The History of International Thermal Systems

International Thermal Systems History reaches back over 100 years ago. ITS today is a powerful collection of four different base companies. LTG, CEC, IHEI and OSI all have played a powerful role in the creation of ITS. With a foundation for four different companies, ITS has been able to provide excellent products and solutions in the Battery, Industrial Product, Metal Packaging and Industrial Washer Industries.
Check out a timeline of our deep and formative history below.

1926 | LTG Technologies is Established

Located in Germany, LTG was established laying the foundation for ITS. LTG Technologies began creating equipment to serve and improve the Metal Packaging Industry.

1960 | CEC is Established

Starting as a family business, Continental Equipment Company was established as a solution provider in the Industrial Washer Market providing a wide range of washers for the dairy, food, automotive, aerospace and metal preparation industries.

1962 | OSI is Established

Oven Systems Incorporated (OSI), provided product innovation and leadership in the Battery, Industrial Product, and Metal Packaging Industries. OSI quickly established itself as a premier global supplier in the Battery and Metal Packaging industries through its creation and acquisition of multiple patents.

1974 | IHEI is Established

As a National leader, Industrial Heat Enterprises International (IHEI), provided thermal and cleaning solutions in the Industrial Product Sector that focused in the heat transfer, converting, aerospace, small engine, and automotive industries.

1990 | LTG Expands to the USA

LTG’s expansion to the United States opens up new opportunities for Sales and introduces Engineers into the structure of LTG. The introduction of Sales and Engineering allows LTG to continue to expand becoming a world leader in the Metal Packaging Industry.

1998 | LTG Acquires IHEI

LTG Technologies acquisition of Industrial Heat Enterprises International (IHEI) provided LTG with an opportunity to expand to the Industrial Cleaning Solutions Industry.

1999 | LTG Acquires OSI

LTG Technologies acquisition of Oven Systems Incorporated (OSI) allowed LTG to gain traction in the Battery and Metal Packaging Industry.

2010 | ITS Purchases LTG, IHEI and OSI

International Thermal Systems acquisition of these three globally leading companies provided ITS with expertise and products in multiple industries. With the foundation of these three companies, ITS was able to continue to grow in these industries on a global scale reaching new customers, creating new patents, and providing excellent products and services.

2012 | ITS Acquires CEC

International Thermal Systems acquisition of Oven Systems Incorporated (OSI), was another exciting and successful moment in the foundation of ITS. ITS has been able to continue to build on OSI’s global leadership with the creation of multiple new patents and product innovations.

2022 | ITS Moves into a New Facility

ITS relocated its Milwaukee office to a larger and more modern facility. ITS continues to grow in innovation and excellence of both our products and services.

International Thermal Systems has been committed to providing new and innovative products for over 100 years. Our commitment to excellence can be seen in every product we build, every patent we create and every customer that we serve.

If you are interested in one of our products or services, reach out to our team today.

Contact International Thermal Systems

For more information about ITS and each of our divisions.